Annihilate the Apogee
Besiege the Belfry
Crush the Citadel
Decimate the Dimension
Expunge the Edifice
Fell the Fortress
Garrote the Gazebo
Howitzer the Heights
Immolate the Incline
Jostle the Jetty
Knife the Knoll
Lacerate the Lighthouse
Mangle the Monolith
Neutralize the Nexus
Obliterate the Obelisk
Pillage the Peak
Quash the Quarry
Raze the Roof
Smash the Steeple
Topple the Tower
Unmake the University
Vaporize the Vault
Whack the Watchtower
X-out the Xenolith
Yerk the Yurt
Zap the Zenith